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Logistics and distribution services in Capanda

One of the potential investments signalled for the Capanda Agro-Industrial Pole involves the provision of logistic and distribution services for most of the businesses to be established in the perimeter, as well as for the operators already established. It should be noted that, in any case, the investor must assess the organization of the chain upstream and downstream of their investment, ensuring that the links in the chain are effective.
The Capanda Agro-Industrial Pole was designed from the perspective of developing agricultural production chains with the aim of organizing production in a chained and integrated manner across its various segments. There is a considerable set of productive chains with greater potential for implementation in the area.

Coffee production in Capanda

One of the potential investments signalled for the Capanda Agro-Industrial Pole involves coffee production, drying, storage, and processing. It should be noted that, in any case, the investor must assess the organization of the chain upstream and downstream of their investment, ensuring that the links in the chain are effective.
The Capanda Agro-Industrial Pole was designed from the perspective of developing agricultural production chains with the aim of organizing production in a chained and integrated manner across its various segments. There is a considerable set of productive chains with greater potential for implementation in the area.

Packing house for vegetables and fruits in Capanda

One of the potential investments signalled for the Capanda Agro-Industrial Pole involves the construction and operation of a packing house for vegetables and fruits. To add value and meet quality standards, vegetables and fruits must go through sorting, grading, and packing before being shipped. It should be noted that, in any case, the investor must assess the organization of the chain upstream and downstream of their investment, ensuring that the links in the chain are effective.
The Capanda Agro-Industrial Pole was designed from the perspective of developing agricultural production chains with the aim of organizing production in a chained and integrated manner across its various segments. There is a considerable set of productive chains with greater potential for implementation in the area.

Seed processing unit in Capanda

One of the potential investments signalled for the Capanda Agro-Industrial Pole involves the construction and operation of a seed processing unit. With the expansion of grain-growing areas and the implementation of new projects, there will be a significant demand for seeds that must be adapted and developed according to the specificities of the Capanda Agro-Industrial Pole. It should be noted that, in any case, the investor must assess the organization of the chain upstream and downstream of their investment, ensuring that the links in the chain are effective.

Limestone mill in Capanda

One of the potential investments signaled for the Capanda Agro-Industrial Pole involves the construction and operation of a limestone mill. The Capanda Agro-Industrial Pole has several deposits of limestone rocks in its perimeter, of good quality for agriculture, which is advantageous because the soils in the tropics are acidic and require PH correction to improve agricultural production. It should be noted that, in any case, the investor must assess the organization of the chain upstream and downstream of their investment, ensuring that the links in the chain are effective.

Forestry production in Capanda

One of the potential investments signalled for the Capanda Agro-Industrial Pole involves the forestry value chain, such as commercial forest production, wood treatment (autoclaving), and sawmilling. This includes various purposes and demands for future agro-industries and poultry houses, stakes and stretcher bars for livestock fencing, and other purposes; treated and/or sawn timber for construction and furniture production. It should be noted that, in any case, the investor must assess the organization of the chain upstream and downstream of their investment, ensuring that the links in the chain are effective.
The Capanda Agro-Industrial Pole was designed from the perspective of developing agricultural production chains with the aim of organizing production in a chained and integrated manner across its various segments. There is a considerable set of productive chains with greater potential for implementation in the area.

Fruit production and processing in Capanda

One of the potential investments signalled for the Capanda Agro-Industrial Pole involves fruit production and processing, including fresh consumption and processing, and the cultivation of fruits such as oranges, passion fruit, guava, and mango. It should be noted that, in any case, the investor must assess the organization of the chain upstream and downstream of their investment, ensuring that the links in the chain are effective.
The Capanda Agro-Industrial Pole was designed from the perspective of developing agricultural production chains with the aim of organizing production in a chained and integrated manner across its various segments. There is a considerable set of productive chains with greater potential for implementation in the area.

Cotton production in Capanda

One of the potential investments signaled for the Capanda Agro-Industrial Pole involves cotton production, which is under implementation to support the textile industry. It should be noted that, in any case, the investor must assess the organization of the chain upstream and downstream of their investment, ensuring that the links in the chain are effective.
The Capanda Agro-Industrial Pole was designed from the perspective of developing agricultural production chains with the aim of organizing production in a chained and integrated manner across its various segments. There is a considerable set of productive chains with greater potential for implementation in the area.

Sugarcane production – outsource in Capanda

One of the potential investments signalled for the Capanda Agro-Industrial Pole involves the value chain of sugar cane, which is in the final stages of implementation by Biocom – Companhia de Bioenergia de Angola, and can have tercialised producers. It should be noted that, in any case, the investor must assess the organization of the chain upstream and downstream of their investment, ensuring that the links in the chain are effective.
The Capanda Agro-Industrial Pole was designed from the perspective of developing agricultural production chains with the aim of organizing production in a chained and integrated manner across its various segments. There is a considerable set of productive chains with greater potential for implementation in the area.

Cassava production in Capanda

One of the potential investments signalled for the Capanda Agro-Industrial Pole involves the production of cassava and/or cassava starch (complementary to the industry being set up for roasted flour and bombo). It should be noted that, in any case, the investor must assess the organization of the chain upstream and downstream of their investment, ensuring that the links in the chain are effective.
The Capanda Agro-Industrial Pole was designed from the perspective of developing agricultural production chains with the aim of organizing production in a chained and integrated manner across its various segments. There is a considerable set of productive chains with greater potential for implementation in the area.