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Artisanal Fishing Support Centre of Lucira

The CAPA – Centro de Apoio à Pesca Artesanal (Artisanal Fishing Support Centre) of Lucira was built in 2011 by another project. Later, under the FSSP – Fisheries Sector Support Project, the centre underwent a rehabilitation process at the level of the structure (a toilet was also built in the community).
This CAPA is managed by the company Arco-íris. The centre is exclusively dedicated to semi-industrial fishing, and offers a variety of services, such as rental of the jetty bridge for landing, as well as repair of fishing nets, or sale of water. It has piped water, yet no access to electricity.
Currently cooperatives do not have access to the centre.

Tombwa – Semi-industrial fishing

This Tombwa CAPA – Centro de Apoio à Pesca Artesanal (Artisanal Fishing Support Centre) was built in 2011 by another project. Later, under the FSSP – Fisheries Sector Support Project, the centre underwent a rehabilitation process, including flooring, repair of the water tank and rehabilitation of the fish market (a community toilet was also built).
This CAPA is managed by a group formed by the companies AS and Dourado. It is dedicated exclusively to semi-industrial fishing, and offers a variety of services, such as fish freezing, ice sales and the marketing of fresh fish to companies and cooperatives.
It has 5 semi-industrial boats, an ice factory, 3 freezing tunnels, 2 conservation chambers, a training room and a wooden jetty bridge. Has also access to electricity and piped water.
The centre’s management prioritizes large buyers, which results in limited availability of fish for local cooperatives and fishermen.

Tombwa – Salt and drying

The Tombwa CAPA – Centro de Apoio à Pesca Artesanal (Artisanal Fishing Support Centre) was built in 2011 by another project. Later, under the FSSP – Fisheries Sector Support Project, the centre underwent a rehabilitation process, including flooring, repair of the water tank and rehabilitation of the fish market (a community toilet was also built).
This CAPA is managed by a group formed by the companies AS and Dourado. It has 5 semi-industrial boats, an ice plant, 3 freezing tunnels, 2 conservation chambers, a training room, a wooden pier bridge. Has also access to electricity and piped water.
Currently, the centre is exclusively dedicated to semi-industrial fishing, and offers a variety of services, such as fish freezing, ice sales and fresh fish marketing for companies and cooperatives.
The centre’s management prioritizes large buyers, which results in limited availability of fish for local cooperatives and fishermen. Some training is provided.