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Sawmilling and carpentry in Caála

With a carefully planned and allocated area, this Industrial Development Pole provides the ideal environment for establishing sawmilling and carpentry projects. Abundant access to raw materials and government-backed infrastructure support make this location highly attractive for ventures in the wood industry.
The Caála Industrial Development Pole is strategically located in the Huambo province, along the national road 16, about 20 km from the capital city of Huambo, towards Caála, in the Codume-Cangoti Comuna Sede area. The total reserve area covers 1,088 hectares, with 830.25 hectares initially made available after the signing of the Concession Title on 11 September 2020.


Red clay ceramics in Caála

The production of red clay ceramics finds a favorable environment to flourish. The quality natural resources and the strategic location of the Pole offer a unique opportunity to invest in the artisanal production of red clay pottery.
The Caála Industrial Development Pole is strategically located in the Huambo province, along the national road 16, about 20 km from the capital city of Huambo, towards Caála, in the Codume-Cangoti Comuna Sede area. The total reserve area covers 1,088 hectares, with 830.25 hectares initially made available after the signing of the Concession Title on 11 September 2020.

Cassava starch processing and various juices in Caála

The Caála Industrial Development Pole presents an advantageous environment for investments in cassava starch processing and production of various juices. With easy access to local raw materials, coupled with the logistical and strategic advantages of the region, the pole offers a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs seeking to exploit the growing potential of this promising sector.
The Caála Industrial Development Pole is strategically located in the Huambo province, along the national road 16, about 20 km from the capital city of Huambo, towards Caála, in the Codume-Cangoti Comuna Sede area. The total reserve area covers 1,088 hectares, with 830.25 hectares initially made available after the signing of the Concession Title on 11 September 2020.