Located in the province of Malanje, PAC – Pólo Agro-industrial de Capanda aims to boost and accelerate the diversification of the economy through public and private investment in the agriculture and forestry sectors. The favorable climate in the region, as well as the existence of road infrastructure and supply of electricity are attractive factors for investing in the pole. Many enterprises already operating in PAC are demanding for new businesses to complete the value chain of their products.
Project details
PAC has an area of 411.000 hectares, of which around 293.000 are for agro-productive development, 113.000 are areas of interest for environmental conservation, and around 5.000 are urbanised and/or occupied by humans. Located entirely in the province of Malanje, it is partially within the municipalities of Cacuso (72,6% of the PAC territory), Malanje (18,8%) and Cangandala (7,6%). It is delimited to the north by the railway that connects Luanda to Malanje, to the south by the river Kwanza and the Capanda hydroelectric dam; the limit is also formed by the paved road EN 140, which connects the city of Malanje to the town of Camaça, passing through Cangandala and extending to the bridge over the river Kwanza.
PAC’s three main objectives are:
- Attract new investors
- Establish anchor companies
- Support established companies within the PAC and in the surrounding areas.
The fertile land allows a diversified cultivation. The area is suitable for growing sugar, cotton, sunflowers and coffee (where there is already a cooperative of small coffee producers); it is also ideal to produce roots and tubers (cassava and sweet potato cultivation), cereals (rice, maize, sorghum and massango cultivation), or legumes (such as soybeans or peanuts), horticulture and fruit growing. Regarding animal production, it is ideal for beef cattle.
The central nucleus has specialised infrastructures and teams to support PAC’s development, which involves providing training to open one’s own business or to have more qualified labor available. Specialised technicians/manpower are made available to work on different projects.
Among the investments made within PAC, to be highlighted:
- Biocom – Bioenergy Company of Angola
- Moldaterras – Earthworks and Excavations
- Monte Negro Farm
- Pedras Negras Farm
– Pungo Andongo Farm
– Quizenga Farm
– Socamia (Castel Angola Group)
Among the structuring projects within PAC receptive to private investment:
- Irrigation equipment and associated maintenance
- Agricultural machinery and equipment representants (sale and/or rental units)
- Slaughterhouse
- Packaging production unit
- Fertiliser production unit
- Limestone exploration (PAC foresees concession to private investment)
- Grain storage
- Agricultural mechanization for soy and cassava.